A 10 minute excerpt from a play in progress 'TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND' will be read in Edmonton at 'NewPrideNow.'
"A play reading event from the Edmonton Public Library and the Alberta Playwrights Network.
December 18 at 8pm Doors open at 7pm.
Seven new playwrights present 10 minute excerpts of their work, read by professional actors.
Facilitated by David van Belle (2017 EPL Writer-in-Residence) and Ashleigh Hicks.
Mentored and directed by Darrin Hagen (2018 EPL Writer-in-Residence)
Featuring the work of:
Makram Ayache
Elena Belyea
Ashleigh Hicks
Caitlin Kelly
Hayley Moorhouse
Liam Salmon
Juniper Wisniewski
Read by:
Jason Chinn
Alexandra Dawkins
Lana Michelle Hughes
Corben Kushneryk
Drinks service at the event."